中文 | Eng
2025-02-12: "Music All Around" Cross-Curriculum Activity (17) Added
2024-08-30: National Security and Values Education Reference Lists Added

Song Index
The songs in this index are listed according by different musical elements.

Method 1: By language 

Select the language needed in the language column, ie:  Cantonese, Mandarin, English
Or multi language (Cantonese & English)   


Other method:

1. Song type:classical, pop music, festival music or folk song

2 .Composer

3. Rhythm: simple duple, simple triple, simple quadruple or compound duple.

4. Key

5. Dynamic or Tempo

Download Index

Book 1
Book 2
Book 3

[ index_1.xls ]

[ index_2.xls ] [ index_3.xls ]

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